CBSE- Affiliated 1031165
Provides excellence in academic and non-academic activities so as to mould a child into a wholesome personality . The School is committed in providing an exceptional education menu for children to easily transition their learning process to schools & universities worldwide .
Siyal International School is located in Narsinghpur. Drawing inspiration from gurukul style of learning combined with modern tools of 21st century's education, it is a co-educational school promoting healthy relationship.
The Siyal International School aims to be an institution of excellence, Dedicated to produce future leaders"
The Siyal International School will provide its students with a world class education by nurturing self-confidence and creativity which will encourage in them an enduring love of knowledge, passion, sense of improvement, as well as responsibility to make a positive difference in the lives of others through own actions and examples
The Siyal International School will provide its students with a world class education by nurturing self-confidence and creativity which will encourage Siyal International School Provides excellence in academic and non-academic activities so as to mould a child into a wholesome personality. The School is committed in providing an exceptional education menu for children to easily transition their learning process to schools & universities worldwide. We are dedicated in instilling our students the qualities and skills necessary to become confident and independent individuals prepared for the responsibilities of adult life and their own economic well-being. High self-respect is developed in a caring and cooperative environment in order to foster the leadership and interpersonal skills needed to be a citizen in a modern and changing global society. "We Laugh, We play, We teach, We learn" being the theme for the children which would be nurtured in them by specially trained faculty with a unique style of teaching and approach .The school caters to the parents who believe in a different form of learning, innovative outdoor learning and education that gives their children an all-round growth and holistic thinking tools, all at a reasonable cost.
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